| | Sito Internet |
BsG* | Bastardi Senza Gloria | http://bastardisenzagloria.forumcommunity.net/ |
2012 | 2012 clan | http://2012clan.forumcommunity.net/ |
3|*~ | Third Eye Clan | http://3eye.forumfree.it/ |
3cHo | 3cHo | http://clan3cho.forumcommunity.net |
123* | 1 2 3 stella clan | http://123stellaclan.forumfree.it |
A |
| Lettera A |
~AI~ | Arditi Incursori Clan | http://arditi-incursori-clan.forumcommunity.net |
=AK= | Anarchy Killer | http://www.anarchykiller.com |
=AT= | A-team | http://A-team.blogfree.net// |
A|s* | Anonymous soldiers | http://as.clan.forumfree.net/ |
AoA° | Angels of apocalypse | http://Angelofapocalypse.forumcommunity.net |
=AN= | assassini nati | http://forumufficialeclanan.forumfree.it/ |
AeF | Acta est Fabula | http://aef.clan.forumfree.it |
AA~ | Alien Army | http://alienarmyclan.forumfree.it |
AeX~ | Apocalypse Extreme | http://aex-clan.forumfree.it |
WOKY | Army of Death | http://armyofdeath.forumfree.it/ |
ALF4 | ALFa-Squad | http://alfasquad.forumfree.it/ |
AoC* | Avengers Of CoD | http://avengers.of.cod.forumcommunity.net/ |
AoD | Angels Of Death Clan | http://theaodclan.forumcommunity.net/ |
B |
| Lettera B |
BBoD | Bad Boys of Death | http://bbk.forumfree.net/ |
BsG* | Bastardi Senza Gloria | http://bastardisenzagloria.forumcommunity.net/ |
xBCx | Black Soldier Clan | http://blackcompanyclan.forumfree.it/ |
Blak | Black | http://blackclan.forumfree.it/ |
=BC= | Bad Company Clan | http://clanbc.forumcommunity.net/ |
~BG~ | Black Guerrilla | http://blackguerrilla.forumfree.it |
=BK= | Blood killer | http://www.bloodkiller.eu/ |
BcS | Black Cats Clan | http://blackcatsclan.forumfree.it |
=BB= | Brutti Bastardi | http://bruttibastardiclan.forumcommunity.net/ |
BOOM | BOOM | http://clanboom.forumcommunity.net/ |
~Bs~ | Black Storm Clan | http://blackstormclan.forumfree.it/ |
Br|H | Brotherhood | http://brotherhoodclan.forumfree.it/ |
=BS= | Bastard Soldiers | http://clan.bs.forumfree.it/ |
C |
| Lettera C |
CBR | Cobra | http://clancobra.forumfree.net/ |
Ck9* | Cod Kings 9 | http://ck9.forumfree.it/ |
C-S | Crazy Skullz | http://crazyskullz.forumfree.net/ |
CM | Col Moschin | http://colmoschin.forumfree.it |
CT** | Compagnia Tenebre | http://clancompagniatenebre.forumfree.it/ |
CdM* | Compagnia della Morte | http://compagniadellamorte.forumfree.it |
CFH! | Cowboys From hell it | http://www.clancfh.it/ |
CEW | Energy for the war | http://clan.cew.forumfree.it/ |
CANA | Cana Clan | http://www.canaclan.it |
CANI | Cani Clan | http://clancani.forumfree.it/ |
CCJ | Cucujanji Clan | http://cucujanjiclan.forumfree.it/ |
D |
| Lettera D |
(dP) | DragonsPower | http://dragonspower.forumfree.it/ |
DEEX | Deus Ex Machina | http://deexclan.forumcommunity.net/ |
DIW | Dark Italian Warriors | http://clandiw.forumfree.net/ |
DC | Distructioncrew | http://distructioncrew.forumfree.it |
~DL~ | Deflagration Lords | http://d-hel.forumcommunity.net/ |
DbR* | Italian Dobermann Clan | http://dbr-clan.forumfree.it/ |
D.M.G | DOR MAX GIAMPI | http://d.m.g.forumfree.it/ |
DIG~ | Devils In Game | http://dig.forumfree.it |
E |
| Lettera E |
eXs~ | Expert Soldiers Clan | http://exso.clan.forumfree.it/ |
EnD | EnD | http://clanend.forumfree.it/ |
EL!T | EL!T | http://CLAN-ELIT.forumfree.it |
Ei | Esercito Italiano | http://clan-ei.com |
EaM* | Estranei alla Massa | http://clan.eam.forumfree.it/ |
EdM* | Emissari della morte | http://emissaridellamorte.forumfree.it/ |
=Ek= | Extreme Killers | http://clanek.forumcommunity.net/ |
F |
| Lettera F |
]FOX | FoXKillerClanCoD | http://foxkillerclancod.forumcommunity.net/ |
=FK= | Fatal killers | http://fatalkillers.forumfree.net/ |
FBI | Full Brother Italian | http://fbiclan.forumcommunity.net/ |
F!C4 | Clan F!C4 | http://fic4clan.forumfree.it/ |
~F!~ | FURIE ITALIANE | http://furieitaliane.ps3.forumfree.it/ |
Fait | Fantasmi italiani | http://provades.altervista.org/phpBB/index.php |
G |
| Lettera G |
G3M1 | G3M1 clan | http://gemiclan.forumfree.it/ |
*G$E | Green Street Elite Clan | http://gseclanps3.forumcommunity.net/ |
GoD! | Gamer of Death | http://clanps3godita.forumfree.it/ |
GoB | Gang Of blast | www.gob.forumfree.it |
~GB~ | I Guerrieri Di BoBBa | http://callofdutybobbaclan.forumcommunity.net/ |
H |
| Lettera H |
HAWX | Italian Black Hawx | http://commandos.forumcommunity.net/ |
hawK | Falchi italiani | http://falchiitaliani.forumfree.it/ |
HelX | Straight to hell returns | http://helxclanmw3.oneminutesite.it/ |
I |
| Lettera I |
IMB | Italian Merceneries Brothers | http://ps3-imb.forumcommunity.net/ |
ILoW | Italian Lords of War | http://ilowclan.forumcommunity.net/ |
ITP | Italian Team Predators | www.itpclan.it |
!$w* | Insane Warriors | http://insanewarriors.forumfree.it/ |
ICS | Italian Crazy Soldiers | http://italiancrazysoldiersclan.blogfree.net/ |
IGE | Italian Gamers Elite | http://ige.forumfree.it |
ITC | Italian Company Clan | http://itcclan.forumfree.it/ |
!$ | Infernal soldiers | http://infernalsoldiers.forumfree.it/ |
!Dr4 | Italian Dangerous Revolution Army | http://idra.forumfree.it/]http://idra.forumfree.it/ |
~!W~ | Italian Warriors | http://italian-warriors.forumcommunity.net/ |
IW | Iron wolf | http://ironwolf.forumfree.it/ |
~IK~ | Italian Killers | http://italiankillers.clan.forumfree.it/ |
J |
| Lettera J |
JEDI | Jedi | http://jediclanitalia.com/ |
J3ko | Jeko Clan | http://www.clanjeko.it/public/forum/index.php |
K |
| Lettera K |
-KI- | King Inside | http://kinginside.forumfree.net/ |
K$G | Killers Groove Clan | http://ps3-groove.com/ |
KOTS | KOTS CLAN | http://kotsclan.forumfree.it/ |
-KH- | Killer Heart Clan | http://killerheart.forumfree.it |
K.O | Knockout Clan | http://koc.acmsolutions.it/ |
L |
| Lettera L |
LUPI | Lupi Italiani Clan | http://www.lupiitalianiclan.com/ |
LUI | LUI* | http://lui.clan.forumfree.net |
LtB! | Le tigri bianche | http://letigribianche.forumcommunity.net/ |
M |
| Lettera M |
MLDS | Me Lo Devi Sucare | http://mlds.forumfree.it |
MeRc | Mercenary Company | http://mercenarycompany.forumcommunity.net |
MiTo | MiTo | http://mitoclan.forumfree.it |
~MM~ | ~MM~ clan | http://mmclan.forumfree.it/ |
=MM= | ~MM~ | http://mmclan.forumcommunity.net/ |
=MK= | Mortals Killers | http://mortals.killers.forumfree.it/ |
N |
| Lettera N |
NATO | NATO | http://clan.nato.forumfree.net/ |
NwR* | New Warfare Revolution Clan | http://nwrclan.forumfree.it/ |
NOCS | N.O.C.S. | http://nocs.forumcommunity.net/ |
NKNP | No Kill No Party | http://nknp.forumcommunity.net |
NeXT | NeXT | http://nextclan.forumfree.it/ |
NCOM | No Clan For Old Men | http://www.console-planet.it/forum.php |
NAVY | Navy Seals | http://navyseals.forumcommunity.net/ |
NiZe | NiZe clan | http://nizeitalianclan.forumcommunity.net/ |
O |
| Lettera O |
OHS | Outer Heaven Soldiers | http://mgg.forumfree.it/ |
OwN~ | ~OwNeD~ | http://owned.clan.ps3.forumfree.it/ |
P |
| Lettera P |
ParA | Brigata Paracadutisti "FOLGORE" | http://clanpara.forumcommunity.net/ |
=Pw= | Proto Warriors | http://pw-clan.forumfree.it/ |
P!G | Pig Clan | http://pig.forumcommunity.net/ |
PrO* | PrO* iTaLiAn CLaN | http://proitalianclan.forumfree.it/ |
P!n0 | P!n0 | http://pino-clan.forumfree.it/ |
p3f | Clan playstation 3 fanboy | http://www.clanp3f.com/ |
PDG | Paperelle Di Gomma | http://paperelledigomma.forumcommunity.net/ |
PP | Panico Paura | http://clan.pp.forumfree.it/ |
xPKx | Player killer | http://italiank.forumfree.it/ |
Q |
| Lettera Q |
R |
| Lettera R |
RevD | Revolution Death Squad | http://www.revdclan.it/[/URL] |
RAGE | RAGE | http://rage.clan.forumfree.it/ |
RIP | Rest In Peace Clan | http://ripclan.forumfree.net |
~RAK | Revolutionary Army's Killers | http://rakclan.forumcommunity.net |
~RwS | Revolution Warriors Clan | http://rws-clanps3.forumfree.it/ |
S |
| Lettera S |
SK | Silent Killer | http://www.silentkillers.enjin.com/ |
-SA- | Smokin Aces | http://smokinaces.forumcommunity.net/ |
$!tA | $!tA | http://sita.forumfree.it/ |
SW4T | SW4T Clan | http://SW4T-clan.forumfree.net |
SS | SS | http://clanss.forumfree.it/ |
SdF | Squadra dei Falchi | http://sdf.forumfree.it/ |
SxW | Silver Wolves | http://sxw.forumfree.it/ |
Sz:O | Sezione Ombra | http://sezioneombra.forumfree.it/ |
$0UL | soulsociety | http://soulsociety.clan.forumfree.it/ |
~SD~ | Soldiers of Darkness | http://soldiers-of-darkness-clan.forumcommunity.net/ |
ScT* | Soli Contro Tutti | http://solicontrotutti.forumfree.it/ |
-SS- | Schutzstaffel | http://clanelitess.forumfree.it/ |
~SR~ | Skyride | http://skyride.forumfree.it/ |
|SK| | Skunk Italian Clan | http://skunkclanmw3.forumcommunity.net/ |
T |
| Lettera T |
TKm* | Tactical killings machines | http://clan.tkm.forumcommunity.net/ |
T$C | Tiger's SkullClan | http://tigersskullclan.blogfree.net/?b=1 |
TotA | Team of the ApOcAlYpS3 | http://tota.forumfree.it/ |
*TGT | The Guardian Team | http://clantgt.forumfree.it/ |
T$C* | the survivor commando | http://thesurvivalcommando.forumfree.it/ |
TAR | Tarantino FanClub | http://tar.forumfree.it/ |
TDC | Teschi da Combattimento | http://t.d.c.forumfree.it/ |
THRB | The Rebirth | http://therebirth.blogfree.net/ |
~TIJ | The Italian Joker | http://jokeritaliani.forumcommunity.net/ |
U |
| Lettera U |
V |
| Lettera V |
W |
| Lettera W |
w|L~ | Wild Lion | http://wildlioncod.forumfree.it/ |
WM | Wolfman | http://wolfmanclan.forumfree.net// |
=WA= | Warrior Angels | http://warriorangels.forumfree.net |
WolF | WolF | http://wolf.clan.forumfree.it/ |
WAR | War Rebels | http://war.rebels.forumfree.it/ |
War | War Is Life | http://warislife.forumcommunity.net/ |
X |
| Lettera X |
X-He | X-Heroes clan | http://x-heroes.forumfree.net/ |
xMKx | Mortal Kombat | http://mkclan.forumfree.it/ |
~XP~ | ~XP~ Clan Enjoy | http://clanenjoy.forumcommunity.net |
XeNo | XeNo Clan | http://xenoclan.forumfree.it/ |
Y |
| Lettera Y |
Z |
| Lettera Z |
Z105 | Il clan che non piace alla gente. | http://z105clan.forumcommunity.net/ |